SASK Haiti Medical & Dental Team

This Saskatchewan based team of 14 members will be traveling to Grand Goave, Haiti to hold a Medical clinic.
This year we have added a dentist who will provide much needed dental care. We also will be taking along some
experienced tradesman who will help with building projects for Haiti ARISE.

We aim to teach the Haitians working along side us so that their skills will in turn serve their own people. We are
grateful to everyone who has donated finances and items of goods to help us fill our many pieces of luggage in
supplying the needs of the clinic.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


One of our fondest memories of HAITI is the “rooftop”. In the early morning quiet, sound carries and one can clearly hear the many roosters all around HAITI also waking up and announcing the start of day, a cow or 2 mooing close by, and the chirping sounds of many species of birds living in the many green, tall, overflowing mango trees. In the evening, as the sun sets behind the mountain and dusk arrives, all quiets down, chatting groups of people slowly disperse, then one gradually becomes aware of crickets starting up in a harmonious choir. Worship songs from the church close by fill the air and the lamenting melodies leave us breathless.

morning meeting
evening meeting
The rooftop is the hurricane resistant concrete roof of the main building and popular gathering place for the many visiting NGO groups. It allows a narrow view of the lawn in front of the main building, stretching to the technical school building. Otherwise one is facing the beautiful mango trees, all around the main building, with the branches heavy with ripening mangoes, and foliage full, large and content, and large banana trees on the other side.
This is where we share highs and lows of the day, painful journeys and discuss business. It is also here where we crack jokes, play pranks and have our serious moments, quietly experiencing His grace and wonder.
Lynnise, Dr. Braam & Makenson, an interpreter 
The medical problems of the people we came to serve did not change much when compared to our experience in 2013. They still have fairly “standard” issues, for example poorly - or uncontrolled high blood pressure and diabetes, itchy, dry and/or tearing eyes, eyesight problems and abdominal pain or “acid”.  With all the eye problems facing this community, especially the elderly but also some young patients, we sincerely and sadly regret having had to call off the already sponsored eye surgery venture planned for this month due to technical difficulties.

We have seen a few interesting conditions, for example a gangrenous infection of a diabetic patient, which Lynnise expertly treated until it was clear he needed to be transferred for an amputation.

Diabetic patient with infected toe.
She was also involved with a 26 year old lady with a 4 year history of 8 cm open, weeping and offensive smelling ulcerations (sores) on both ankles and resistant to many treatments. Dr Alex Wong is an Infectious Disease specialist in Regina, and he kindly responded to texted photos of the ulcers, his impression was she likely has Buruli ulcers, from a bug called mycobacterium ulcerans, which may respond to TB treatment. We will follow her closely over the next few days and leave her with a definite treatment plan

Leg ulcers, being wrapped.
A Bartholin gland cyst which needed marsupialization, a parotid gland cyst and knee effusion required aspiration, a couple patients with lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) required cortisone infiltration. Elma washed and massaged the feet and legs of a crying, praying and hurting elderly woman who touched all of us.

Surprisingly we did not see any patients with depression, or elderly with dementia. Dakota Burkowski, daughter of Elva`s neighbour and future medical doctor, shadowed me and responded very well to the medical environment. We see a great future for this young lady.

I was honoured to teach Drs Fritz and Jacob to do ECG`s, as well as an introduction to do basic ECG interpretation. They are eager learners and I promised further assistance via email or fax.

We love each of our Haiti team members, whom we know so well. Each member contributes generously and unselfishly their gifts to help these impoverished people to the best of their ability and in honour of God. Technical team members Martin and Rick fooled around with ¼ inch steel plates and produced a very fine looking and efficacious incinerator.

We were blessed to have Teresa again with us, and were once again humbled by her challenging journey, always smiling despite unstable physical health. Mike, we missed you.

We were also blessed to meet Dennis Dodds, our dentist, who answered the call and under challenging circumstances dealt with a tsunami of dental issues. Ceiligh, his daughter, always dancing and singing, gravitated towards the children and babies, comforting them.

It was also great to see Roy Ralph, engineer, again. He is a humble soul with much wisdom and many stories from all his experiences.

The coordinator of agriculture of Haiti Arise, Laurens and Louisa van Vliet, a Dutch-Canadian couple, was introduced to us. We became good friends, sharing Dutch coffee after supper, and many stories of interest to both of us. We hope, God willing, that we will be able to continue our friendship.

Clinic days always start with a song and prayer
We realize the assistance we offer is a droplet compared to what is needed for change, but we are comforted and optimistic seeing a real change in the clinic since Leah became administrator / pharmacist. She does an excellent job, and with Drs Jacob and Fritz attending currently 3 days per week. We are encouraged that the medical service will go on and grow, and donors` funds will be appropriately applied.  Written by Dr. Braam and Elma.


  1. Dennis' mom here: You are faced with challenges but each is handled with skill, ingenuity (incinerator) and goodwill. The members of your team are all great ambassadors for Saskatchewan. So proud of you! Shirley

  2. Wilna van der WattMarch 10, 2014 at 5:14 AM

    Braam and Elma.. I absolutely loved reading about the `Rooftop`, and all the great things happening there, all of that special moments you so wonderfully shared with us. Found the detailed `medical problems` fascinating and so interesting. You are serving the people of Haiti in such a loving and committed way, I am just bursting with pride. I am telling all the Auzzies about your great work!
    You are a special team of people, what an honor it must be to be part of such a team. Good luck and best wishes for the time remaining.

    Lots of love always

    ps: Had an interesting week,Cyclone Hadi was expected to hit our coastline over the weekend, but thankfully it tracked away in a north easterly direction. xxxx



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