SASK Haiti Medical & Dental Team

This Saskatchewan based team of 14 members will be traveling to Grand Goave, Haiti to hold a Medical clinic.
This year we have added a dentist who will provide much needed dental care. We also will be taking along some
experienced tradesman who will help with building projects for Haiti ARISE.

We aim to teach the Haitians working along side us so that their skills will in turn serve their own people. We are
grateful to everyone who has donated finances and items of goods to help us fill our many pieces of luggage in
supplying the needs of the clinic.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We thought Monday was busy…Tuesday proved to be the killer day!

We woke this morning feeling so refreshed and thankful after a great night sleep that was supported by the coolness of working air conditioners!  Dakota had recovered from whatever had her feeling under the weather.  Since the time change on Sunday, we are on the rooftop just as day is breaking and so enjoy the coolness and the sounds of awakenings surrounding us. The thick Haitian coffee has become a welcome ‘get me going’ in the morning as we enjoy the sunrise over the mango trees.

Our routine circle time with our interpreters that proceeds every clinic day was very special this morning as Leah, the clinic administrator and Dr Fritz spoke from such grateful hearts for the many accomplishments that have happened over the past couple weeks.
Such a sense of unity and friendships have developed and grown over our time here. It truly was two teams that became closely knitted together to a single team.
It seems appointment times are really only viewed as suggestion times at Dr Dennis door. The beginning of the day starts a bit slow despite trying to schedule ‘appointments’. By the end of the day the line up of those with tickets seems never-ending as the patients, expected early in the day, show up after lunch. But, we have come to understand that Haitian time is part of the culture that is difficult to change. One lady was extremely nervous about the dentist visit although she was eager to see him. I knew we were in for a ride as she was crying long before Dr Dennis had the anesthetic near her. We managed to get the freezing in and it just went downhill from there!
This 2 mos old baby with possible aspiration pneumonia
would be in ICU if she lived in Canada.

Clinical skills put to the test with these pediatrics.
Many crocs became new footwear.

Patient registration

Elma diligently caring for her patients.

These are the children seen in the community.
These are the children when they come to the clinic.
We are so tired and heading to bed now ,
Group effort on the blog tonight.



1 comment:

  1. Incredible the difference between real life and the clinic. Hopefully the gap continues to narrow. See you all soon!



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